
Usage with HTTP Headers

Note : HTTPS shall be used to ensure privacy

It's a Token authentication system. When the user logs in, a token is generated and associated to the user. By sending a HTTP request with the token, the server knows which user made the request.


{"Authorization": "Token [Token]"}

Usage with token in URL

Note : HTTPS shall be used to ensure privacy

Use the query param c_auth_with_token=<token value> in any URL

Ex. /api/v1.1/project/?c_auth_with_token=xxxxx



Used to register to the application.

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/register/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid email address]",
    "password1": "[password in plain text]",
    "password2": "[repeated password in plain text]",
    "url_format": "[valid url format]",
    "email_format": "[valid email format]"
  • email is mandatory
  • password1 is optional (if ALLOW_SEND_EMAIL_ON_REGISTER is enabled in settings) and has a default value generated within the view
  • password2 is optional (if ALLOW_SEND_EMAIL_ON_REGISTER is enabled in settings) and has a default value generated within the view
  • email_format is optional and has a default value of DEFAULT_REGISTER_EMAIL_FORMAT (in settings)
  • url_format is optional and has a default value of "/#/set-password/{token}/{email}/"

Use cases :

  • A user can set password1 and password2 in order to register whith his own password.
  • A user can register without setting passwords (if the setting ALLOW_SEND_EMAIL_ON_REGISTER is enabled), and he will recieve a link in an email. This link contains the email adress used to register with and a token used to reset the password. He can then reset his password using this token.

Data example

    "email": "",
    "password1": "abcd1234",
    "password2": "abcd1234"

Success Response

Code : 201 CREATED

Content example

    "uid": "0f1cf8c2-5bda-4281-971b-7ed19ed7bc7a",
    "email": "",
    "url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/account/me/",
    "token": "e0d15a8547e37ccced180ad590bac5e28cabc71a",
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "",
    "level": "simpleuser",

IMPORTANT: if AUTH_CONFIRM_EMAIL_ENABLE is True is settings, you will receive an email. You will need to confirm your email address by clicking on the link attached to this email.

Error Responses

Condition : If the email is not allowed to register.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "message": "This email is not allowed to register",
    "_errors": [

Condition : If password1 is different from password2.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "message": "Password confimation incorrect"

Condition : If the url_format has not the right format.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "errors": "url_format is not a valid format_string"

Condition : If the email_format has not the right format.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "errors": "email_format is not a valid format_string"

Condition : If a user not authenticated to the platform (AnonymousUser) attempts to post an email format.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "message": "Only registered users are allowed to set an email_format"

Condition : If password does not comply with complexity criteria.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "message": "<message>",
    "_errors": ["<code>"]

<message> can be:

  • "The password must contain at least X character(s)."
  • "The password must contain at least X digit(s)."
  • "The password must contain at least X lower character(s)."
  • "The password must contain at least X upper character(s)."
  • "The password must contain at least X special character(s) from these : (<list_of_special_characters>)"

<code> can be:




Used to collect a Token for a registered User.

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/login/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid email address]",
    "password": "[password in plain text]"

Data example

    "email": "",
    "password": "abcd1234"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "uid": "0f1cf8c2-5bda-4281-971b-7ed19ed7bc7a",
    "email": "",
    "url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/account/me/",
    "token": "e0d15a8547e37ccced180ad590bac5e28cabc71a",
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "",
    "level": "simpleuser",
    "is_verified": true,
    "groups": [],
    "external_auth": false,
    "<scope_model_field>": []

Response format:

  • uid: unique id of the user
  • email: user's email
  • url: url to get user's account information
  • token: user's authentication token
  • first_name: user's first name
  • last_name: user's last name
  • level: user's level
  • is_verified: this field is false if the Multi Factor Authentication is activated AND the user did not validate the MFA. Otherwise it is true
  • groups: list of groups to which the user belongs
  • external_auth: whether the user was authenticated by an external authentication source (LDAP, External Backend, ...)
  • <scope_model_field>: list of user's scopes

Error Responses

Condition : If 'username' and 'password' combination is wrong.


Content :

    "message": "Wrong auth credentials",
    "_errors": [

Condition : If the email address has not been validated.


Content :

    "message": "Email has not been validated",
    "_errors": [

Account information


Used to get information about the user.

URL : /api/v1.1/account/me/

Method : GET

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "uid": "49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7",
    "email": ""
    "first_name": "Doe",
    "last_name": "John",
    "modification_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "creation_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "public": true,
    "url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/user/49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7/",
    "verbose_name": "",
    "<scope_model_field>": [],
    "level": "simpleuser",
    "unsubscribe_notification_url": "http://<webapp>/c/unsubscribe-notifications/707ca2da-0ea0-4a90-9fba-d5337fa72555",
    "unsubscribe_all": false,
    "unsubscribe_to": [],
    "external_auth": false

Response format:

  • uid: unique id of the user
  • email: user's email
  • first_name: user's first name
  • last_name: user's last name
  • modification_date: datetime of last modification
  • creation_date: datetime of creation
  • public: whether the user is public or not
  • url: url to get user's account information
  • verbose_name: user's email
  • <scope_model_field>: list of user's scopes
  • level: user's level
  • unsubscribe_notification_url: url to unsubscribe user form notifications
  • unsubscribe_all: user is unsubscribed to all notifications
  • unsubscribe_to: list of scope notifications that the user is unsubscribed to
  • external_auth: whether the user was authenticated by an external authentication source (LDAP, External Backend, ...)

Error Responses

Condition : If the authentication token is not given.

Code : 403 FORBIDDEN

Update Account information


Used to get information about the user.

URL : /api/v1.1/account/me/

Method : PATCH

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "public": true,
    "uid": "49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7",
    "modification_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "creation_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/user/49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7/",
    "verbose_name": "",
    "last_name": "John",
    "first_name": "Doe",
    "level": "simpleuser",
    "email": ""

Error Responses

Condition : If the serializer is invalid.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Condition : If the authentication token is not given.

Code : 403 FORBIDDEN

Reset Password Request


Used to reset your own password.

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/reset-password/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid email]",
    "url_format": "[valid url_format]"

The url_format will be used to send the reset password email with a link to allow the user to reset his own password. It should be a string containing "{email}" and "{token}". Example: "/redirection-url/{email}/{token}".

Default value: "/#/reset-password/{token}/{email}/".

Data example

    "email": "",
    "url_format": "/redirection-url/{token}/{email}/"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "email": ""

Error Responses

Condition : If the url_format has not the right format.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content example

    "errors": "url_format is not a valid format_string"

Change Password


Used to change the password of a user.

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/change-password/

Method : POST

Auth required : YES.

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid user email]",
    "password1": "[valid password]",
    "password2": "[valid password]",
    "password_change_token": "[valid token]"
  • email is mandatory
  • password1 is mandatory
  • password2 is mandatory
  • password_change_token is optional. This token is created if the user forgot his password and requests a reset password, or if the current password has expired. If given in data, that means that the user is attempting to change his own password (the request is not authenticated). Otherwise, if the password_change_token is not given, the request must be authenticated and the authenticated user must have the permissions to alter another user's password.

Data example

    "email": "",
    "password1": "test",
    "password2": "test",
    "password_change_token": "49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

If a user attempts to change his own password

    "public": true,
    "uid": "49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7",
    "modification_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "creation_date": "2018-11-26T15:54:34Z",
    "url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/user/49297d80-e924-479a-8fcc-27e15f7a12e7/",
    "verbose_name": "",
    "last_name": "John",
    "first_name": "Doe",
    "level": "simpleuser",
    "email": ""

If a user (with the sufficient permissions) attempts to change another user's password:

    "email": "",
    "message": "Passwod updated !"

Error Responses

Condition : If the given password_change_token is invalid.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Condition : If the given password_change_token does not match with the user's password.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Condition : If the given password_change_token has expired.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Condition : If the new password is identical to the old one.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Condition : If the user making the request does not have the permission to change another user's password.

Code : 403 FORBIDDEN

Authentication MFA

This is multiple factors authentication.

The setting USE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH must be True

First step works with a template

URL : auth/configure-otp/

Login form credentials: - email - password

  • It will return you a QR code

  • You have to scan it with OTP application

  • You will get a code with 6 numbers (verification_code)

  • Then, make request Login

  • You will get a token

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/login/ Method : POST

    "email": "",
    "password": "password"

Finally, make request

URL : /api/v1.1/auth/two-factor/login/ Method : POST Credentials: - email (email user) - token (token retrieved with login) - verification_code(code retrieded with OTP app)

    "email": "",
    "token": "eb14f4a951119b1150221976162de477c18802ba",
    "verification_code": "550550"

Exemple expected response

Code : 200 OK

    "uid": "d1894ee4-269b-491e-aa33-232c52cd1352",
    "email": "",
    "url": "",
    "token": "595cfd2126f78c6b4b56ca7c221b0054271301f1",
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "",
    "level": "superuser",
    "is_verified": true,
    "groups": [],
    "external_auth": false,
    "mfa_mode": "MFA_OTP",
    "defaultdividers": []

Code : 401 Unauthorized

If token is invalid

    "message": "MFA temporary token invalid",
    "_errors": [

If token is expired

    "message": "MFA temporary token expired",
    "_errors": [

If verification_code is expired or invalid

    "message": "Wrong verification code",
    "_errors": [