
Multiple parameters are put together to determine the permissions that were granted for each user:

  • Request Type (scoped/unscoped)
  • Model and objects definition
  • Scopes of user
  • User Level

These criteria are ordered by strength (from the strongest criterion to the weakest).

Request Type

When performing a request to the API Concrete (get, post, patch, delete), the scope (X-ENTITY-UID) can be added to the headers of the request:

The scope passed in the headers of a request is used to filter the response's objects, and allows access only to the objects having the same scope.

Unscoped Request

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Token b1cccee29710b53386b964d93847648a526005a8" \

Scoped Request

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Token b1cccee29710b53386b964d93847648a526005a8" \
  -H "X-ENTITY-UID: 7508ffd7-2d10-413e-86b6-4adab3767413" \

Example: given two scopes scopeA and scopeB and a model MyModel accessible through a url. Given objects:

  • object1: scope=scopeA
  • object2: scope=scopeB
  • object3: scope=None
  • object4: scope=scopeA

A SuperUser with a token super_token makes the request to get a list of the objects of the model MyModel.

  • Unscoped Request: requests.get(url,headers={"Authorization":"Token {}".format(super_token)}) returns a list of objects within a JSON response, containing all of the four objects.

  • Scoped Request: requests.get(url,headers={"Authorization":"Token {}".format(super_token),"X-ENTITY-UID":scopeA.uid}) returns a list containing only the objects with the scope scopeA (i.e only object1 and object4).

Model and Object Definition

Model Definition

For a model, some user level constraints are set to determine whether a given user can perform a given operation (create, delete, retrieve and update) or not:

  "ext.m_creation_minimum_level": "admin",
  "ext.m_delete_minimum_level": "superuser",
  "ext.m_retrieve_minimum_level": "authenticated",
  "ext.m_update_minimum_level": "manager"

Object Definition

Objects can have arguments that allow a user (or a group of users) to perform some operations that he can't normally perform:

  • can_view_users, can_view_groups: gives Retrieve rights to a user or a group of users.
  • can_admin_users, can_admin_groups: gives Retrieve and Update rights to a user or a group of users.
  • public: a boolean. If set to false, a user with level manager or less can't have access to this object unless he is the owner (created_by) or listed in can_admin_[users/groups] or can_view_[users/groups].

User levels

There are five user levels with a set of permissions and privileges:

Superuser > Admin > Manager > Simpleuser > Blocked

  • The superuser has access to everything and has all the rights.
  • The other levels have different create and retrieve permissions, depending on the model and the created instance.
  • The blocked user has access to nothing.

User Scopes

A user can have one or more scopes that are used to determine the range of objects accessible to him.

A user of an admin level or higher has access to all the objects, independently of his scopes.

For a level manager or less, if the user has a scope A, he can access to all the objects having a scope A (and only these objects). The possible operations on these objects are those that satisfy the model's definition.


Given two scopes: Divider_X and Divider_Y

Given the following users:

  • SuperUser: without scopes.
  • Admin: without scopes.
  • Manager: without scopes.
  • Manager_X: with scope Divider_X.
  • Manager_Y: with scope Divider_Y.
  • Manager_XY: with scopes Divider_X and Divider_Y.
  • SimpleUser: without scopes.
  • SimpleUser_X: with scope Divider_X.
  • SimpleUser_Y: with scope Divider_Y.
  • SimpleUser_XY: with scopes Divider_X and Divider_Y.

Given a Divided Model MyModel and four instances of this model with the following configuration:

1st case: For A Scoped Request With The Scope Divider_X:

  • SuperUser: can access to instance_1 and instance_3 and has all the rights.
  • Admin: can access to instance_1 and instance_3 and has retrieve, create and update rights
  • Manager: can access to instance_3 (because of can_view_users) with retrieve rights and instance_1(because of can_admin_users) with retrieve and update rights
  • Manager_X: can access to instance_1 and instance_3 (because of scope) and has retrieve and update rights
  • Manager_Y: has access only to instance_3 (because of can_admin_users) and has retrieve and update rights.
  • Manager_XY: can access to instance_1 and instance_3 and has retrieve and update rights
  • SimpleUser: has access only to instance_1 (because of can_view_users) and has only retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_X: has access to instance_1 and instance_3 (because of scope) and has only retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_Y: has access to nothing
  • SimpleUser_XY: has access to instance_1 and instance_3 (because of scope) and has only retrieve rights

2nd case: For A Scoped Request With The Scope Divider_Y:

  • SuperUser: can access to instance_2 and has all the rights.
  • Admin: can access to instance_2 and has retrieve, create and update rights
  • Manager: has access to nothing
  • Manager_X: can access to instance_2 (because of can_view_users) and has only retrieve rights
  • Manager_Y: has access to instance_2 (because of scope) and has retrieve and update rights.
  • Manager_XY: can access to instance_2 and has retrieve and update rights
  • SimpleUser: has access instance_2 (because of can_admin_users) and has only retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_X: has access to nothing
  • SimpleUser_Y: has access to instance_2 with retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_XY: has access to instance_2 (because of scope) and has only retrieve rights

3rd case: For A Non-Scoped Request:

  • SuperUser: can access to everything and has all the rights.
  • Admin: can access to everything and has retrieve, create and update rights
  • Manager: can access to instance_3 (because of can_view_users) with retrieve rights and instance_1(because of can_admin_users) with retrieve and update rights
  • Manager_X: can access to instance_2 (because of can_view_users) with only retrieve rights, and can access to instance_1 and instance_3 (because of scope) with retrieve and update rights
  • Manager_Y: has access to instance_2 (because of scope) and to instance_3 (because of can_admin_users) and has retrieve and update rights.
  • Manager_XY: can access to everything and has retrieve and update rights
  • SimpleUser: has access instance_2 (because of can_admin_users) and instance_1 (because of can_view_users) and has only retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_X: has access to instance_1 and instance_3 (because of scope) as well as instance_4 (because of public) and has only retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_Y: has access to instance_2 (because of scope) and instance_4 (because of public) with retrieve rights
  • SimpleUser_XY: has access to everything (because of scopes and public) and has only retrieve rights