API routes, methods and responses

For all the routes listed below, the API response has the following failure status codes:

  • 401 UNAUTHORIZED: if the user does not have the rights to access the data.
  • 403 FORBIDDEN: if the user is not authenticated to the API.
  • 404 NOT FOUND: if the url is not found.

As explained in the introduction, Concrete Datastore consumes a datamodel definition in order to generate an API giving acess to the instances of the datastore. For each model, Concrete Datastore generates andpoints that allow a user to perform CRUD methods. This endpoint is a kebab-case (lower case with hyphens) of the model's name. For example if you have a model named MyModel, the API endpoint will be my-model.

For each model, Concrete Datastore exposes two routes accepting different methods:

List all instances of model MyModel

A GET on the root url of the model MyModel will retrieve all instances of this model.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/

  • Example:


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 200 (OK), the response body is a JSON containing the details of all instances available. The response is paginated.

  "objects_count": 125,
  "next": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/?page=2",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
  "objects_count_per_page": 125,
  "num_total_pages": 22,
  "num_current_page": 1,
  "max_allowed_objects_per_page": 250,
  "model_name": "MyModel",
  "model_verbose_name": "MyModel",
  "list_display": [],
  "list_filter": {},
  "total_objects_count": 2663,
  "create_url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/"
  • Response format:

The JSON response contains the following keys:

  • objects_count: number of objects found in this current page
  • next: URL to the next page (null if the current page is the last/only page)
  • previous: URL to the previous page (null if the current page is the first/only page)
  • results: list of all the instances
  • objects_count_per_page: pagination of the response
  • num_total_pages: number of total pages
  • num_current_page: index of the current page
  • max_allowed_objects_per_page: max instances to be displayed in one response
  • model_name: model name
  • model_verbose_name: model verbose name
  • list_display: list of displayed fields (defined in the datamodel)
  • list_filter: mapping of the filter fields with {field_name: field_type}. Filter fields are defined in the datamodel
  • total_objects_count: total instances of the current model
  • create_url: url for instance creation (with a POST request)

IMPORTANT: For model User, the list won't contain any user with the level blocked. In order to access these users, see blocked users

Create a new instance of model MyModel

A POST to the root url of the model MyModel will create a new instance of this model.

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/

  • Example:


curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
    -d "<JSON data for the new instance to create>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 201 (CREATED), the response body is a JSON containing the fields of the new instance created.

IMPORTANT: For the model User, the above POST request is not allowed. In order to create a new user, you should perform a register

Retrieve a specific instance of model MyModel by its UID

A GET on the url of a given instance of model MyModel will retrieve the fields of this given instance.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/<uid>/

  • Example:


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 200 (OK), the response body is a JSON containing the fields of the instance requested.

Update a specific instance of model MyModel by its UID

Update some of the fields with PATCH

A PATCH on the url of a given instance of model MyModel will update the fields of this given instance.

  • Method: PATCH

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/<uid>/

  • Example:


curl \
  -X PATCH \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d "<JSON data to update>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 200 (OK), the response body is a JSON containing all the fields of the given instance, updated.

Update all the fields with PUT

A PUT on the url of a given instance of model MyModel will update the fields of this given instance.

  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/<uid>/

  • Example:


curl \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d "<JSON data to update>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 200 (OK), the response body is a JSON containing all the fields of the given instance, updated.

Delete a specific instance of model MyModel by its UID

A DELETE on the url of a given instance of model MyModel will retrieve the fields of this given instance.

  • Method: DELETE

  • Endpoint: https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/my-model/<uid>/

  • Example:


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: with status code HTTP 204 (NO CONTENT), the response body is empty.

This operation could fail. If the instance is related to a protected instance, it cannot be deleted. In this case, the HTTP status code is 412 (PRECONDITION FAILED) with the error code "PROTECTED_RELATION" in the response.

Specific API endpoints


  • Url: auth/register/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to register to the API (see authentication section).


  • Url: auth/login/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to log in the API (see authentication section).

Account Me

  • Url: account/me/
  • Method: GET
  • Description: allows a user to retrieve his own information on the API


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Change user information on Account Me

  • Url: account/me/
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: allows a user to update his own information on the API


curl \
  -X PATCH \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d "<JSON data to update>" \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Change Password

  • Url: auth/change-password/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to change a password.

Request: Two use cases can be found for this endpoint:

With a password_change_token: A user which password expired or who forgot his password can use a password_change_token to change his password. (This token is either returned by login with an expired password, or sent in email after attempting a reset password)

curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"email": "<user_email>","password1":"<new_password>","password2":"<new_password>","password_change_token":"<token_returned_by_login>"}' \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Without a password_change_token: A user can change his own password any time he wants if he is logger to the API.

Besides, a user of a level manager or above (requester) is able to change another user's password (target). Thus, he (the requester) should satisfy either one of these conditions:

  • is superuser
  • is admin and the password that he attempts to changes belongs to a manager or a simple user
  • is manager, the target is a simple user and he has the same scope as the targeted user (if the datamodel is not scoped, no manager can change any other user's password)
curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d '{"email": "<target_user_email>","password1":"<new_password>","password2":"<new_password>"}' \

Response: 200 (OK) with the following JSON:

    "email": "<user_email>",
    "message": "Password updated!"

Reset Password

  • Url: auth/reset-password/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to request a reset of his own password if he has forgotten it (see authentication section).

Two Factor Login

  • Url: auth/two-factor/login/ (only for API v1.1)
  • Method: POST
  • Description: If MultiFactorAuthentication is enabled (USE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH is True in settings), allows a user to confirm his authentication to the API.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"email": "<user_email>", "token": "<mfa_temp_token>", "verification_code": "<mfa_verification_code>"}' \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the email does not exist with the following JSON:

    "message": "Wrong auth credentials",
    "_errors": ["WRONG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS"],

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the the token in invalid with the following JSON:

    "message": "MFA temp token invalid",
    "_errors": ["MFA_TEMP_TOKEN_INVALID"],

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the the token has expired with the following JSON:

    "message": "MFA temp token expired",
    "_errors": ["MFA_TEMP_TOKEN_EXPIRED"],

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the the MFA code is invalid with the following JSON:

    "message": "Wrong verification code",
    "_errors": ["WRONG_VERIFICATION_CODE"],

LDAP Login

  • Url: auth/ldap/login/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to authenticate using LDAP authentication.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"username": "<user_username>", "password": "<user_password>"}' \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the user does not exist with the following JSON:

    "message": "Wrong auth credentials",
    "_errors": ["WRONG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS"],
    "message": "Token created and email sent"

Secure Connect

Retrieve Token
  • Url: secure-connect/retrieve-token/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to generate a token that will be used for secure login. An email will be sent to the email address containing the login url.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"email": "<user_email>"}' \

Response: 201 CREATED with the following JSON:

    "message": "Token created and email sent"

Response: 400 (BAD REQUEST) if the user does not exist with the following JSON:

    "message": "Wrong email address",
    "_errors": ["WRONG_EMAIL_ADDRESS"],
Generate Token
  • Url: secure-connect/generate-token/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a superuser to retrieve a user's token.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d '{"email": "<target_user_email>"}' \

Response: 201 CREATED with the following JSON:


Response: 400 (BAD REQUEST) if the user does not exist with the following JSON:

    "message": "Wrong email address",
    "_errors": ["WRONG_EMAIL_ADDRESS"],
  • Url: secure-connect/login/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user to authenticate to the API using his secure token.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"token": "<secure_connect_token>"}' \

Response: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the token is invalid with the following JSON:

    "message": "Invalid token",
    "_errors": ["INVALID_TOKEN"],

Response: 403 (FORBIDDEN) if the token has expired with the following JSON:

    "message": "Token has expired",
    "_errors": ["TOKEN_HAS_EXPIRED"],

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the user's information.

Access blocked users

  • Url: blocked-users
  • Method: GET
  • Description: allows a user (must be of level admin or superuser) to retrieve the list of all blocked users.


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: 200 (OK):

  "objects_count": 4,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
  "objects_count_per_page": 125,
  "num_total_pages": 1,
  "num_current_page": 1,
  "max_allowed_objects_per_page": 250,
  "model_name": "User",
  "model_verbose_name": "User",
  "list_display": [
  "list_filter": {
    "email": "char"
  "total_objects_count": 4,
  "create_url": "https://<webapp>/api/v1.1/auth/register/"

Access a specific blocked user

  • Url: blocked-users/<user_uid>
  • Method: GET
  • Description: allows a user (must be of level admin or superuser) to retrieve a specific blocked user.


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \

Response: 200 (OK) with the JSON containing the blocked user's information.

Unblock blocked user(s)

  • Url: unblock-users/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: allows a user (must be of level admin or superuser) to unblock one or more users. The unblocked users will have a level of simpleuser.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" \
  -d '{"user_uids": ["<uid1>", "<uid2>"]}' \

Response: 200 (OK) with the following JSON:

    "<uid1>": "User successfully unblocked",
    "<uid2>": "User successfully unblocked"